The automatic
tonearm lifter

Made in Scandinavia


  • "The Little Fwend, the name of which you will hate or love, is one of the most well-conceived, well-packaged, well-made audio accessories I have encountered. I recommend it without hesitation."

    Art Dudley, Stereophile Magazine
    LISTENING #170

  • “The Little Fwend is the most precise and reliable end of record tonearm lift device I’ve ever used and I wouldn’t be without two. The Little Fwend does the lifting with 100% reliability on both arms on my reference ‘table”.

    — Michael Fremer, Editor at Large, The Absolute Sound

  • “They delivered the most sensible accessory I’ve ever held in my hand! The Little Fwend, a tiny universal tonearm lifter that, thanks to its smart design, provides the most ardent and puristic analog fans with both convenience and peace of mind.”

    — Georg-Cölestin Jatta, Fidelity Magazine